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Victory for the Students of Dawson : Cancellation of In-Person Finals

On November 26th 2020, after many days of pressure from both students and the media, Dawson College announced that final in-person exams at Dawson College were cancelled. The College will still hold certain exams for certain programs in the medical field however the bulk will take place online.

This was announced last Thursday afternoon to the DSU following a call between Diane Gauving, Academic Dean and the Chairperson, Kevin Contant-Holowatyj. The official announcement was shared with students following that evening in a letter written by the office of the Dean.

Dawson College Cancellation In-person Fi
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The DSU is very proud of the work of each student and would like to thank everyone for their support and efforts to make this change a reality. The Union will always stand for its students and will not stop to fight for their health and safety. After many days of putting pressure on the College through both through the media and the government, the DSU is pleased that its efforts are not in vein.

In a message on social media, the Chairperson of the DSU thanked every student for their efforts over the past few days.

You can also read more about this victory on CTV and Global News.

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